We Helped This Family Through Financial Difficulties.

This couple were in their 40’s he was having some health concerns and was off work for a 6 month period, and was not properly insured. He had since gone back to work and they were unable to dig themselves out of the hole that they dug during his leave.

Home Location:  Burlington

Home Value:  $690,000.00

All they needed was the right advice so that they could structure their debts properly and start building their Financial House:


Mortgage                                         Balance                    Monthly Payment

Current Mortgage                              $407,900                      $2,462

2nd Mortgage                                    $  22,500                       $   880

Walmart card                                     $    8,958                       $     80

Home Depot                                      $    1,802                       $     35

The Brick                                            $    2,173                       $     35

New Mortgage $500,000 total monthly payment $2431.00

that’s a total monthly savings of $1061.00

The clients have elected to accelerate the mortgage using all the pre-payment privileges so that they are completely out of debt sooner.

With the monthly savings they;

  1. Put the right Life Insurance in place.
  2. Accelerated the mortgage to pay it off years sooner
  3. Started an emergency fund.
  4. Put the right savings plan in place.

Doing a plan like this alleviates a lot of stress from Families and puts smiles back on their faces.  So please let us help you smile again!

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